No more fear of dyeing your hair the wrong shade! In today's blog we reveal all the details to help you find the perfect colour for your hair. Highlight your beauty with the shade that best suits your features - read on! ...

Pomegranate is known to be one of the fruits with the highest concentration of antioxidants that moisturise, nourish and give a spectacular shine. They not only help to fix the colour, but also protect it, hydrate it and maintain its shine.

Do I have to wash my hair every time I go to the gym? How does sweat affect the scalp? Should I wear a ponytail or a bun? We answer all these questions about hair and the gym. ...

We are what we eat! Our diet affects not only the way our bodies work, but also the way our skin and hair look. How does a poor diet affect our hair? Find out below! ...


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