Hair detox plan

We are what we eat! Our diet affects not only how our bodies function, but also how our skin and hair look. How does a poor diet affect our hair? Find out below! 

Hair detox plan
As you may have heard on numerous occasions: we are what we eat, that is to say, our diet is reflected in both our skin and our hair. The excess of fatty foods at Christmas time makes our hair get dirty faster, in addition to the abundant use of fixing products for hairstyles for dinners, meals, parties... In short, our hair needs a detox plan to regain the shine and vitality that characterises it.

The first step to recover our hair is to eliminate excess oil from our hair and, of course, to accompany it with a healthy diet and plenty of hydration. For excess oil we can opt for the Dry Shampoo for oily hair, which does not require rinsing with water and absorbs all the oil, dirt and accumulated residues.

You can accompany your washes with a mask according to the type of hair you have: straight, curly, coloured... on our website you can find the ideal one for you and even form your treatment by choosing a shampoo that takes care of the problem of your hair, if any, and the mask or conditioner that goes with the type of hair you have.

In the weeks leading up to the festive season, if we have overdone it with styling products, it is advisable to avoid waxes and foams and to finish deep cleansing both hair and scalp.

Tips for everydaylife
In addition to these tips for recovering your hair after the holidays, there are several tips that you can add to your daily routine and that, without a doubt, both your skin and your hair will thank you for.
One of the most important points, as we have already mentioned, is a balanced diet. Fruit, vegetables, fish, cereals and nuts contain the vitamins and minerals you need to keep your hair looking shiny, strong and vital.
Another important point that goes hand in hand with nutrition is hydration. It is advisable to drink two litres of water a day, thus helping to keep our skin and hair hydrated.
And finally, rest, an equally or even more important point than the previous ones, as it is often not given the importance it deserves. It has been proven that the body repairs itself during the hours of sleep, which is why it is necessary to sleep seven to eight hours a day.

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