Gym routine for your hair

Do I have to wash my hair every time I go to the gym? How does sweat affect the scalp? Is a ponytail or a bun better? We answer all these questions about hair and the gym. If you want to have perfect hair, join the gym and start sweating!

Tone your scalp
Sport is a natural beauty treatment if accompanied by proper nutrition and hydration. As you may already know, during exercise endorphins are released which counteract the feeling of stress produced by work and routine, an aspect that helps our skin and hair to look better.
In addition, sport helps to improve the tone of the scalp and, as a consequence, to prevent hair loss. Physical exercise activates blood flow and oxygenation of the scalp, resulting in a stronger root, which translates into fuller, shinier hair.
The skin also benefits from sweating, as pores are opened and toxins and dead cells are eliminated, improving blood circulation and preventing skin flaccidity.

Post-gym cleansing
There is no doubt that daily physical exercise has a positive impact on our hair, but... does daily hair cleansing also have a positive impact?
Frequent washing of the hair is one of the disadvantages of sweating, in this case caused by sport. This makes the hair look dull, dry and often with split ends. Take note so that your post-gym routine is also suitable!
Nutrients are lost during exercise and can be replenished with a vitamin-rich shampoo and a circular massage to activate the scalp follicles. You can add a mask to your shampooing routine if your hair needs it, but it is not advisable to use them daily, as too much can lead to the production of oil.
Once your hair has recovered the lost nutrients, rinse with lukewarm water. Above all, avoid hot water so that your hair does not dry out. Once rinsed, finish your gym session by gently brushing your hair.

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