How to get the perfect curls

To get the perfect curls there is no other trick than the right hair care. To do this, hydration and the following tips should reign supreme in your beauty ritual. Get the best out of your curls!

Curly hair tends to be dry and dehydrated, and although it does not look brittle, it also needs a dose of nourishment. That is why we must treat them with specific products that provide vitamins and definition to our hair.

Moisturising in the washing ritual

One of the most important tips is the washing ritual, in which the hair must be well moisturised. For this reason, we recommend the specific line for curly hair. Its acai extract achieves a natural definition of each of the locks of the hair, achieving natural and flexible curls.

Blow-drying curly manes

Your hair needs some TLC too! In the drying process avoid rubbing with the towel, instead of rubbing, use pressure to remove excess water. Keep in mind that wet hair is at its weakest, so brush it gently without pulling too hard.

Before starting the drying process, apply a few drops of Mediterranean Elixir and distribute from mid-lengths to ends. Once applied, switch on the diffuser and blow dry as usual. We recommend that if you want to avoid overloading your hair with frizz, do not leave it to air dry.

Finish: natural curls

To finish, if you want to give your hair a bit of hold, but without losing the effect you have achieved apply Eco Hairspray Without Gas. Its avocado extract not only provides hold but also helps to combat frizz.

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