Tips on how to use a straightener without damaging your hair

Iron lovers, this is your blog! If you use an iron in your daily brushing routine to achieve the desired result you should take into account the following tips, take note and apply them!

Moisturising hair 

Starting from the point that it is not good to use styling tools at very high temperatures on a daily basis, we advise you to intersperse their use and follow the following tips so that your hair is not damaged. 

The first step to maintaining a nourished and healthy mane is to use moisturising products We also recommend adding a hair mask to your wash to give your hair the extra nutrients it needs to withstand high ironing temperatures. Use it a couple of times a week.

Drying and ironing

Before you start ironing make sure your hair is completely dry, wet or damp hair is much weaker and applying the iron in these conditions will multiply the damage. If you want to minimise any damage, we advise you to blow dry your hair at room temperature and once dry start ironing. Only subjecting your hair to high temperatures once, by the way, don't forget to use a heat protectant to protect your hair. 

The perfect temperature for your iron

When it comes to adjusting the temperature of your straightener, you should always select a setting between 160 and 230 degrees. If you have fine or damaged hair, choose 160 degrees, if your hair is healthy and not coloured, go up to 180 degrees and, finally, if your hair is thick, unruly and healthy, choose 230 degrees. 

The step-by-step ironing process 

Once you have selected the right temperature for your hair type, divide your hair into small sections and pass the straightener through each one. Try to run the iron through each strand as few times as possible and, if you do more than one pass, wait for the hair to cool down before running it through again. 

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